Anna Cowley Ford
Anna Cowley Ford is a postdisciplinary artist from rural West Texas. Using her experiences living with chronic health conditions as a touchstone, Ford explores the often bizarre world of living with chronic pain and disabilities. Along with manifesting sensory experiences, her artwork conveys the social and domestic impacts of health conditions on a chronic scale and the patient’s experience navigating the US healthcare system. Ford’s practice includes, but is not limited to, functional and sculptural ceramics, textiles, large scale installations, video, and accumulated medical objects and documents. Artwork like self-portrait ceramic busts and fabric figures instigate conversations around the body, non-visible sensory experiences, and disability.Antagonistic Care / Care to
Antagonize: Tools for Subversion: Working within a posthumanis perspective, Antagonistic Care / Care to Antagonize: Tools for Subversion presents an artistic framework for subverting inhumane systems of power. While exploring social injustice found in contemporary healthcare and disability culture, this thesis situates Ford’s artist practice within the tools of autotheory, craft, abjection, the uncanny, humor, and commodification, which she uses to make radical art. She draws on her lived experience of disabling health conditions to explore craft and making traditions with the experience of disabling health conditions.